Reich&Schäfer - „Trails“ Out Now
"Trails” is a three-part sonic journey i recorded with my friend and fellow synth aficionado Luis Reich. We met up one sunny sunday afternoon in my homestudio with one simple idea in mind: play music. We decided to only use one synth and one effect. (Everyone who knows me will be able to guess what instruments i’m talking about: My beloved Juno-60 and Space Echo. What a dream team.)
By the end of the day we had recorded three different sonic streams ranging from drony ambient to upfront synthwave.
Everybody who’s into pearly arpeggios, elegiac pads and analogue sounds will find something to enjoy.
„Trails“ by Reich&Schäfer
Released June 30, 2023 on AMC Records
"Trails” is a three-part sonic journey i recorded with my friend and fellow synth aficionado Luis Reich. We met up one sunny sunday afternoon in my homestudio with one simple idea in mind: play music. We decided to only use one synth and one effect. (Everyone who knows me will be able to guess what instruments i’m talking about: My beloved Juno-60 and Space Echo. What a dream team.)
By the end of the day we had recorded three different sonic streams ranging from drony ambient to upfront synthwave.
Everybody who’s into pearly arpeggios, elegiac pads and analogue sounds will find something to enjoy.
„Trails“ by Reich&Schäfer
Released June 30, 2023 on AMC Records

16th December 2022
My rework of the track “Opaque” by Head Under Water is Out Now.
A couple of months ago my dear friend Robert of Head Under Water approached me and asked if i would like to do a remix of one of his new songs. He gave me the freedom to choose a track of his new EP and it didn’t take long for me to decide that the beautifully atmospheric track Opaque would be the one.
I’m really happy with this new piece of music that bears the sonic signature of Robert and myself.
The entire track was recorded a a one-take on my analogue synth setup: The arpeggios, bass and melodies were all played on my PerFourmer. For the drums i used the Jomox Mbase 11 and Vermona DRM.
My rework of the track “Opaque” by Head Under Water is Out Now.
A couple of months ago my dear friend Robert of Head Under Water approached me and asked if i would like to do a remix of one of his new songs. He gave me the freedom to choose a track of his new EP and it didn’t take long for me to decide that the beautifully atmospheric track Opaque would be the one.
I’m really happy with this new piece of music that bears the sonic signature of Robert and myself.
The entire track was recorded a a one-take on my analogue synth setup: The arpeggios, bass and melodies were all played on my PerFourmer. For the drums i used the Jomox Mbase 11 and Vermona DRM.

25th November 2022
I’m thrilled to be a part of the new Pop Ambient 2023 compilation released by KOMPAKT.
Together with my friends Luis Reich, Alex Linster and Joel Jaffe of Sono Kollektiv we recorded two calm ambient tracks during our residency at the beautiful and inspiring Buchnerhof near Bolzano.
Feel free to listen to this beautiful compilation CD, vinyl or as a digital album. There’s also a wonderfully arranged Continuous Mix by Woflgang Voigt you can listen to.
You’ll be in for a sonic treat with all these wonderful acts: Thore Pfeiffer, Max Würden, Joachim Spieth, Zakè, Leandro Fresco, Gen Pop, Morgen Wurde, Tetsuroh Konishi, Triola, Jens-Uwe Beyer, Reich & Würden, Kinbrae, Blank Gloss and Ümit Han.
I’m thrilled to be a part of the new Pop Ambient 2023 compilation released by KOMPAKT.
Together with my friends Luis Reich, Alex Linster and Joel Jaffe of Sono Kollektiv we recorded two calm ambient tracks during our residency at the beautiful and inspiring Buchnerhof near Bolzano.
Feel free to listen to this beautiful compilation CD, vinyl or as a digital album. There’s also a wonderfully arranged Continuous Mix by Woflgang Voigt you can listen to.
You’ll be in for a sonic treat with all these wonderful acts: Thore Pfeiffer, Max Würden, Joachim Spieth, Zakè, Leandro Fresco, Gen Pop, Morgen Wurde, Tetsuroh Konishi, Triola, Jens-Uwe Beyer, Reich & Würden, Kinbrae, Blank Gloss and Ümit Han.

Artwork by Franzi Schardt
Photos by Nils-Simon Fischer
Photos by Nils-Simon Fischer
22nd April 2022
A few years ago I sketched out a piece of ambient music which evolves around one sampled synthesizer note I had recorded rather incidentally during a rehearsal. I got fascinated by the idea of building an immersive sonic space with it and so I started duplicating, layering, augmenting and modifying it. Once the arrangement was final and I began mixing the track I felt the piece sounded somewhat unrealistic and clinical. So I started experimenting with different kinds of reverbs and echoes only to find that the one thing that was missing was the sound of an existing space.
Thanks to the help of Luis Weiß and the KHG I was able to record some ambience at the brutalist church Hl. Johannes XXIII in Cologne. What you hear now is the combination of these two layers: 25 minutes of unedited ambience and a collaged soundscape. So I invite you to close your eyes and explore the sonic textures of my latest work „Mosaik“.
Released on Acoustic Motion Concepts (AMC Records) in a limited edition of 100 cassettes.
Music written, produced and mixed by me
Photo by Roman Wollenhaupt
Design by Franzi Schardt
Repros by Nils-Simon Fischer
Mastered by Patrick Leuchter at Hidden Track Studio
Cassettes produced by T.A.P.E. Muzik
Ambience recorded at Hl. Johannes XXIII, Cologne

Artwork by Örn Ingi Unnsteinsson
Photos by Nils-Simon Fischer
Photos by Nils-Simon Fischer
12th November 2021
I am happy to announce the release of my debut album Mosaik 127 on AMC Records. I am really happy and proud - not only of the final result - but also of the inspiring people I was able to work with. It was one of the most fun projects I‘ve done so far and I sincerely want to thank:
Music written, performed, recorded and mixed by me
Mastered by Patrick Leuchter at Hidden Track Studio
Artwork by Örn Ingi Unnsteinsson
Artist Photo by Karl-F. Degenhardt
With an excerpt fromt he lecture performance “Das Privileg hier zu sein” by Ella O’Brien Coker
Mosaik 127 has been released on Acoustic Motion Concepts (AMC Records).
Repros by Nils-Simon Fischer
I am happy to announce the release of my debut album Mosaik 127 on AMC Records. I am really happy and proud - not only of the final result - but also of the inspiring people I was able to work with. It was one of the most fun projects I‘ve done so far and I sincerely want to thank:
Luis Weiß for all the inspiring talks, input and support during the last months
- Patrick Leuchter for a magnificent mastering session
- Örn Ingi Unnsteinsson for the inspiring artwork and collages
- Ella O'Brien-Coker for her inspiring lecture performance from which you will find a small excerpt in the liner notes
- and last but not least Till Kniola and the Cultural Office of the city of Cologne for their support.
Music written, performed, recorded and mixed by me
Mastered by Patrick Leuchter at Hidden Track Studio
Artwork by Örn Ingi Unnsteinsson
Artist Photo by Karl-F. Degenhardt
With an excerpt fromt he lecture performance “Das Privileg hier zu sein” by Ella O’Brien Coker
Mosaik 127 has been released on Acoustic Motion Concepts (AMC Records).
Repros by Nils-Simon Fischer

Lukas Schäfer is a Cologne-based multi-instrumentalist, composer and music producer.
His focus lies on electronic and electroacoustic music and includes genres such as jazz, pop, ambient and electro.
He also collaborates with artists from the fields of visual arts, theatre and film on a regular basis.
Dates 2025
16th February
15th February
14th February
5th February
2nd February
Dates 2024
30th November
9th November
1st October
19th September
14th - 27th September
31st August
29th June - 8th July
28th June
22nd June
22nd - 28th May
26th April
24th March
22nd March
24th February
17th February
3rd February
20th January
Dates 2023
11th November
2nd November
28th October
20th October
16th June
2nd June
2nd April
1st April
31st March
25th March
9th-11th March
5th February
Dates 2022
10th December
7th December
3rd December
26th November
21st November
6th November
5th November
11th September
19th August
7th July
6th July
16th February
15th February
14th February
5th February
2nd February
Dates 2024
30th November
9th November
1st October
19th September
14th - 27th September
31st August
29th June - 8th July
28th June
22nd June
22nd - 28th May
26th April
24th March
22nd March
24th February
17th February
3rd February
20th January
Dates 2023
11th November
2nd November
28th October
20th October
16th June
2nd June
2nd April
1st April
31st March
25th March
9th-11th March
5th February
Dates 2022
10th December
7th December
3rd December
26th November
21st November
6th November
5th November
11th September
19th August
7th July
6th July
Asimmetric Bar, Cologne
35blumen, Krefeld
Neuland, Bochum
Niehler Freiheit, Cologne
Tsunami Club, Cologne
Private Location, Freiburg
Modularfield, Cologne
Folkwang UdK, Essen
Theater am Werk im Kabelwerk, Vienna
Autobahnkapelle St. Antonius, Gescher
MCC, Hannover
Autobahnkirche St. Paul, Wittlich
Autobahnkirche St. Paul, Wittlich
Block 7, Cologne
St. Karl, Cologne
St. Petrus, Lustnau
St. Nikolaus, Stuttgart
JAKI, Cologne
Hier Ist Nicht Da, Gelsenkirchen
Kulturaggregat, Freiburg
Heilig Kreuz Kirche, Münster
Keller, Rettenberg
Café Colonius, Cologne
Die Bank, Cologne
Basement, Cologne
Stadtpfarrkirche, Fulda
Theatersaal Klandorf
Kreuzkirche, Münster
Heilg Geist Kirche, Emmerich
Annakirche, Düren
Messe Frankfurt
ECLAT Festival, Schauspielhaus Stuttgart
Peter und Paul, Gauselfingen
Artheater, Cologne
Umspannwerk Kreuzberg, Berlin
Peter und Paul, Gauselfingen
AKM Theatre Hall, Istanbul
Altes Stadtbad, Krefeld
Altes Stadtbad, Krefeld
Hertz-Jesu-Kirche, Munich
Discobude, Cologne
Liebigstraße 257, Cologne
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Asimmetric Bar, Cologne
35blumen, Krefeld
Neuland, Bochum
Niehler Freiheit, Cologne
Tsunami Club, Cologne
Private Location, Freiburg
Modularfield, Cologne
Folkwang UdK, Essen
Theater am Werk im Kabelwerk, Vienna
Autobahnkapelle St. Antonius, Gescher
MCC, Hannover
Autobahnkirche St. Paul, Wittlich
Autobahnkirche St. Paul, Wittlich
Block 7, Cologne
St. Karl, Cologne
St. Petrus, Lustnau
St. Nikolaus, Stuttgart
JAKI, Cologne
Hier Ist Nicht Da, Gelsenkirchen
Kulturaggregat, Freiburg
Heilig Kreuz Kirche, Münster
Keller, Rettenberg
Café Colonius, Cologne
Die Bank, Cologne
Basement, Cologne
Stadtpfarrkirche, Fulda
Theatersaal Klandorf
Kreuzkirche, Münster
Heilg Geist Kirche, Emmerich
Annakirche, Düren
Messe Frankfurt
ECLAT Festival, Schauspielhaus Stuttgart
Peter und Paul, Gauselfingen
Artheater, Cologne
Umspannwerk Kreuzberg, Berlin
Peter und Paul, Gauselfingen
AKM Theatre Hall, Istanbul
Altes Stadtbad, Krefeld
Altes Stadtbad, Krefeld
Hertz-Jesu-Kirche, Munich
Discobude, Cologne
Liebigstraße 257, Cologne
Kunstakademie Düsseldorf
Schäfer, LOLA&BVCK
Schäfer, LOLA&BVCK
Schäfer, LOLA&BVCK
Schäfer, Ryecroft, Kitsune
Schäfer, Jannis Carbotta
Schäfer & Grau
Reich & Schäfer
Dream Machine
CODA Klanginstallation
Move Dove
MEMO Klanginstallation
Jens Lorbeer
Move Dove
Move Dove
Move Dove
Kammerjäger Kollektiv
Move Dove
Sono Kollektiv
Schäfer, Reich & Würden
Dream Machine
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Luis Weiß
Schäfer, LOLA&BVCK
Schäfer, LOLA&BVCK
Schäfer, LOLA&BVCK
Schäfer, Ryecroft, Kitsune
Schäfer, Jannis Carbotta
Schäfer & Grau
Reich & Schäfer
Dream Machine
CODA Klanginstallation
Move Dove
MEMO Klanginstallation
Jens Lorbeer
Move Dove
Move Dove
Move Dove
Kammerjäger Kollektiv
Move Dove
Sono Kollektiv
Schäfer, Reich & Würden
Dream Machine
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Luis Weiß
10th-12th June
4th June
4th June
St. Mariä Heimsuchung, Alfter
St. Getrud, Cologne
St. Getrud, Cologne
Schäfer & Sono Kollektiv
Schäfer & Sono Kollektiv
Schäfer & Sono Kollektiv
27th May
24th May
24th May
St. Fidelis, Stuttgart
Klanggrenzen Festival, Coburg
Klanggrenzen Festival, Coburg
Luis Weiß
Schäfer & Berndt
Schäfer & Berndt
26th April
21st April
10th April
9th April
21st April
10th April
9th April
Zentralbibliothek, Cologne
Club CANN, Stuttgart
rhiz, Wien
Volksbühne, Berlin
Club CANN, Stuttgart
rhiz, Wien
Volksbühne, Berlin
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
25th February
5th February
4th February
5th February
4th February
Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Synodaler Weg, Frankfurt/Main
Synodaler Weg, Frankfurt/Main
Synodaler Weg, Frankfurt/Main
Synodaler Weg, Frankfurt/Main
Dream Machine
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
Luis Weiß
16th January
15th January
13th January
15th January
13th January
GAM, Santiago de Chile
GAM, Santiago de Chile
GAM, Santiago de Chile
GAM, Santiago de Chile
GAM, Santiago de Chile
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dream Machine
Dates 2021
26th-28th November
23rd November
20th November
12th November
9th November
29th October
21st September
29th August
21st August
3rd & 4th July
23rd November
20th November
12th November
9th November
29th October
21st September
29th August
21st August
3rd & 4th July
Next Level Festival, Essen
Altes Pfandhaus, Cologne
Scheune Blechschloss, Dresden
Johannes XXIII., Cologne
Astrastube, Hamburg
King Georg, Cologne
HfMT Köln, Cologne
The Pool, Düsseldorf
Ebertplatz, Cologne
Theater der Welt / Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Altes Pfandhaus, Cologne
Scheune Blechschloss, Dresden
Johannes XXIII., Cologne
Astrastube, Hamburg
King Georg, Cologne
HfMT Köln, Cologne
The Pool, Düsseldorf
Ebertplatz, Cologne
Theater der Welt / Düsseldorfer Schauspielhaus
Nicolas Berge & Lucia Kilger
Pascal Hahn
Sono Kollektiv
Dream Machine
Pascal Hahn
Sono Kollektiv
Dream Machine